Are SaaS CRM Programs the Best Fit for Your Company

There are many different opinions when it comes to CRM programs. The decision lies in whether or not on-premise or SaaS CRM programs are best for your company. On-premise CRM programs are the conventional approach where the CRM programs are installed on site directly onto your computer using your IT resources to manage it. SaaS CRM programs are web based software that are purchased via subscription. Your IT department will configure the CRM programs but it is maintained by the SaaS provider.

How to Know Which CRM Program to Choose

It seems that more recently, companies are choosing SaaS over on-premise CRM programs. According to some analysts, by the year 2015 one third of customers will be using SaaS technologies for their CRM programs. Once you put your needs on paper and start comparing the two different choices of CRM programs you will be able to see which will suit your company the best.

SaaS CRM Programs

SaaS CRM programs offer immediate benefits to your company by having no upfront IT infrastructure, software installations or configurations. This means less money out of pocket for you and fewer IT requirements from your company. The installation and deployment of the SaaS CRM programs is very easy and the support comes with most SaaS CRM programs. Usually with SaaS CRM programs you will pay per user per month by subscriptions so that you are never paying for what you don’t need. You will be able to access your data very easily over the internet from any supported web browser. This means that you can use your CRM programs via a mobile device if you choose.

On-Premise CRM Programs

If your company already has the infrastructure in place you may want to choose an on-premise CRM program. You will have more control over each part of your CRM program. You will be able to be involved with all of the critical integration decisions and processes involved in running your business. There is also less of a chance that your data will be inaccessible due to loss of connectivity. If you want more control over your CRM programs then the on-premise platform may be your best choice.

Ask Yourself These Questions Regarding your CRM Programs Before you Make Your Decision

  1. If you have a highly regulated industry, what are your SLA requirements?
  2. Does your IT staff have the time to support your CRM programs over a period of time?
  3. How much would you like to customize your CRM programs?
  4. Is the CRM program cost effective enough to suit your budget?
  5. How much integration will you need to do with your CRM programs?

Once you have asked yourself these questions and answered them you can use this as a checklist to start your search for the perfect CRM programs for your company. Follow these guidelines so that you know you will be getting exactly what your company needs.

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